
General C++ Interview questions

I have categorized Interview questions in three categories

- Basic:

- Advanced:

- STL:

BASIC C++ Interview questions:

Under OOPS concept:

- What is Class

- What is Object

- What are the different access specifiers in class.

- What is abstraction

- what is encapsulation

- what is Polymorphism

- compile time polymorphism

- run time polymorphism

- virtual function

- what is inheritance and why

Language Specific:

what is the difference between new and malloc

difference between free and delete

when to use delete and when to use free

what is operator overloading

what is friend function

Constructor and Destructor

what is reference and how it is different from pointer.

exception handling

try, throw and catch.

this pointer.

why friend function requires two arguments in binary operator overloading?

what is late binding.

what is the difference between inline functions and macros?

what is namespace

static data member initialization

overloading and overriding?

default arguments usage in functions

what is name mangling?


what is the size of empty class and why

what is Vtable and layout of Vtable

What is the use mutable?

what is copy constructor?

what is the use of const?

what is const correctness?

static_cast, dynamic_cast and reinterpret_cast.

what is pure virtual function?

what is abstract class?

What is the use of Using clause?

Code examples on Virtual functions

copy constructor assignment operator?

deep copying and shallow copying?

how to use c-style functions in C++ / usage of extern

How to start sshd service in debug mode.

- stop sshd service.
use /etc/init.d/sshd stop or svcadm disable ssh
- start the service by
/usr/lib/ssh/sshd -d -d -d


solaris packaging tools.

Package check tool "pkgchk"

I have come across a problem, that is, how to know that a particular "file" or "binary" or "daemon" belongs which package?

Let say we want know the binary "sendmail" belongs to which package?

The command is:
#pkgchk -l -p /usr/lib/sendmail

Pathname: /usr/lib/sendmail
Type: regular file
Expected mode: 2555
Expected owner: root
Expected group: smmsp
Expected file size (bytes): 1020544
Expected sum(1) of contents: 42649
Expected last modification: Aug 16 10:45:47 PM 2007
Referenced by the following packages:
Current status: installed